So Easter is rise.
On this symbolic holiday for payoff in brutual sacrifice nailed to post I propose a thought on why the gay thing will not seem to die. So much charge on this one still!
It's come down to Gay everything at event horizon cuz it's the last one we denied any proper reasoning to. Simple: Man worshiping man threatens the entire storyline they needed to return to Temple Hill.
Not long letters LGBT gay additive. I don't like being NRBQ or whatever if I left the others out. Homos. Us. One siders. "Queers" indeed.
The connection to sexual expression doesn't come until pubescent hormones settle down. It's what you think about upstairs while doodling down there to get off that defines it and I know everyone hides that.
If only NSA on every man in America masturbation greets... there'd be alot less anal from the dildo oopsie fingered accusation crowd.
In the Ass seems to a theme.
What is worhip? Humble pew? Singy song? Making others bend? The last thing any true Deity wants I imagine us blubbering idiots telling it is how mighty it is... from the very idiots it supposedly made.
Insecurity is not Devine. Kinda messed up.
Strong men who know themselves and hard. Think about it. Centuries of men with men in ritual sexual passage more akin to esoteric initiation... anything Greek pillar or horse... shaman tent warrior busy in Tribe.
A calculated split of the soup was made of Man as Temple and rite so today we find ourselves arguing in circles about shooting gays on sight (by walk or talk or dick cigar apparently), pizza at weddings, refusing cake, maybe married but fire the Faggots whenever. So done.
I am tired of being defined differently each day. Imagine how it feels America!!
Don't even ask me or other gay people about the choice thing despite personal expertise in something called biography, not election of private parts party to join.
Homo, sapiens Be!
This Easter we rise in Truth.
Not freaks or sinners but healers of the magickal wound in ribcage Jesus soldier speared some destiny not NASA all Nazi I'm sure. Rocket scientist joke (as in you don't have to be), paper clip Opname oddly not staple together, SS relocation to USA Space Agency while the Hollywood name change met miltary cover and became complex indeed.
The language gives it all away. But nobody can keep up that much free association and that's just crazy. Cuz it's free.
And now it all makes sense to me at End of Pisces. All of me is world and any sickness its.
Glory be! Gory too! Ah, Men!
Muscle and power allegories worked well for a while but robbed by arny uniform and generally, clothes. The coming of the gun was dickish too. ;-)
Hollywood stole violence, amplified it so subliminally POV that you the camera get hit, and then rated its delicious coating all kinds of candy, sometimes even... graphic.
Porn took away the turn on itself, the intuition in your Wizard wand... between acting and willing bodies and went all chocolate boxtop mapped on it.
True fantasy for niche nacks.
The gays though... I mean watch our adult stuff for men. Brutal sex and teens and punks all grabbing cash for bash and "Master."
UFC is hair away these days... boxing had soft gloves. I swear... I've seen the str8 bois like my stuff until erector sets came out big. Almost NFL.
In any case we faggots know well original formula to truly achieve Ecstasy in the mundane microcosm by pulsing through Big Bamg and seeing stars and explosions above with the rushing current of directed power and will to serve as lightning rod.
Clubs and restroom groupie fun.... church?
The giveaway is this. Torture should not be in both camps - porn and war - and yet here we are... right down to rectal hydration... anyway we drip to do some more.
The crucifix in every church so NOT churchy, kinda evil in its statue version sinewy and pierced but dignity swath for privates Jusus sack. Blood everywhere from the Bible flows.
Is it witches book?
Well if Jesus was into S&M a la Gibson street I'll safely say he did a spell. Nails through flesh a bleeding crown and forced to carry Mathew Shepard fence into to town the bashing to endure. Never beaten. Fags are bashed as babies were the cliff rocks Bible at the beach.
Something is wrong. Inside must be muder for all who hide lest be known a fag. And thus all shadows loosed now on this woeful world until every closet case Grindr other ax. Nature only manifests the Creator's will but for lies it does not have a word.
Logos is the Jesus out of cave, despite coffee stained Turin. The one true word has gotten OUT not the Man boy of Daddy God, reclaimed and right side seated above, with adversary left.
Not risen, sunk in. Blood and madness rush in like rivers to the the void and spell but no match to this one Word not designed for speech, conjuring or propagation of ideation.
Alive the Creator is in breath and burns away pretense set domino till now. Like this inside out trick....
Murder in Syria not by the barrel but streetgang thug proxy tennis shoe attempt at army camouflage kicking citizens faces in. Every time they do it it's carnage for fun first and then slaughter from uniform. Only citizens die.
For hoots and iPhone hollars shared. Vicious cruel death dealt to common folk... governments don't declare war on each other any more because the people have been targeted as enemy.
Sustainable growth for killing apparatus and its market dictated this. The war on Terror suspiciously lacks the word "rests" in there but we'll sure have a Patriot law that consolidates ALL armed forces, emergency management, and spies.
The nukes leaked somewhere. Power is given.
Indeed the ruse revealed.
Look at the Mural BofA lobbyshock and Denver do tell ask what goes Socialism imagery have to do with elite ascension above the gameboard at mass expense of human life.
So tired of this concentration in my camp. The one Genocide that's branded. But felt triangle was there before, same pajamas, same hideous starving eyes but where on these victims is cried "never again?" Certainly not on California or Indiana or even some Jerusalem a capital of borderless state.
So about this lifestyle of mine. The three dog country home new businness venture one or shitty chopsticks poor choice Jehova hut.
Yes in all this religiosity give me a SINGLE reason that "choice" of gay would be desirable and then explain why a closet would to hide in? Suicidal closeted teens?
This day I understand my obsession for roughie bully beat me up Scotty sex. Patient zero there I'm afraid. For Fear and pain inflicted on anomoly was conquered by Love with pain invoked on need to free dark things hiding below.
Names and spit on oh please. Respect? Insult? Degradation only happens when there are stairs going up and down. Humilation relies on Devil thanking God "thats not me."
Filthy is where God hides, as its said, in sublimity. I love that word and when so named rejoice for every man relates.
Pure for purity some Eden of a "garden" lie an Ivory soap and not wildly growing things. How can dirty be a measure? Is clean truly antiseptic?
Polarity is reversing.
This is Easter a whole new way. Meaning is fading from "communication between points" to metaphors Neon large, Archtypes, with landlegs back finally full of themselves and not barnicled to behavior of the beast, now step down here from Unconcious clouds and run and run though sunny meadows like wild horses.
See, all Revelation ever talked about was the men riding them.
Huh. Pony play.